Clear the Air essential oils organic

A blend of pure undiluted organic steam-distilled essential oils. A friend asked us to create an oil similar to a popular purifying blend, but cleaner, brighter, a little sweeter, and sure enough - our testers all like this one a lot better. (We would think they are just biased, but they were blind tests...)

This is an interesting oil, because after experimenting with the ratios and different ingredients a lot, it seems that we hit on a blend that really does chase things like smoke out of the air quickly. It may work in part through an ionic effect, since it can be effective with as little as a single drop in the room. The recipe we hit upon which works the fastest and best to dispel room odors is also the one of which everyone likes the scent the most. Coincidence? I guess the nose really knows.


  • Citronella
  • Lavender 40/42
  • LemonGrass
  • Myrtle
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree

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