Highland Midwife Birth Services

  • Model: midwife-highland
Date Added: 10/28/2020

5 stars

I met Lorri about 8 years ago when I had a home birth. She was very supportive and knowledgeable. At the time we had fires blazing behind us and she never left my side even though her own home was in fire danger.
Recently I had a horrible miscarriage where I passed baby at home. During the miscarriage I noticed signs of hemorrhaging. I quickly called her and she advised me over the phone what at home remedies would help me stop the bleeding then she quickly came to my home and gave me more supplements to help stop the bleeding. About a month later I continued to bleed which I knew was abnormal. She suspected my cervix was blocked by tissue and I needed further intervention. I wasted a lot of time going from doctor to doctor at a traditional local hospital where they were no help and actually quite disrespectful. During this time I kept contact with Lorri. Then one night she showed up at my door since I was exhausted and unable to function. She brought more supplements and sure enough she was right!!!! I did have a blocked cervix. That evening I passed the tissue and I’m healing and well again. I highly recommended her expertise and genius approach to home health care. She never makes me feel ashamed and is very encouraging and supportive. Without her I’m convinced I would have wasted more money and precious time. She’s a wonderful asset to our community.
by tempera H.